Building a healthy and harmonious relationship to money

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Changing your connection to money

This is a bespoke program specifically designed to take you through the whole process of completely re-wiring your entire subconscious belief system related to money, wealth and abundance...

How the Money Mindset Mastery program works -

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We begin with a series of deep and bespoke coaching sessions to identify and unpack all of your current limiting beliefs around money. By the end - you will have discovered exactly where your beliefs came from - as well as devised a whole new set of positive and empowering beliefs to replace them with.

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We then move through a series of 8 bespoke hypnotherapy journeys. These enable you to give your subconscious mind the instruction to let the old beliefs go. They also enable the new beliefs that you create throughout this process to be installed and accepted at the deeper level of your subconscious mind - where beliefs are stored.

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Finally - a powerful guided Breathwork session to ground in the new vibration of abundance - and complete the process of letting go of old scarcity beliefs from the cells of your being. Then, you can use the tools provided in this program to continually reprogram your mind for abundance - each and every day.

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The real problem with money...

Is that you - along with every one of us - were subject to limiting and negative programming around money and wealth since your childhood.

Because your beliefs

create your reality...

You then go through life viewing money, wealth and abundance through the filters of your limiting beliefs about it - attracting and perpetuating repeating negative experiences with money - and preventing yourself from experiencing the true flow of abundance in life.

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"Going through this process with Nial gave me confidence and faith in a very testing time in life. I would recommend this program for anyone and everyone... no matter how much money you have!"

R. Ricci



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“Nial’s method helped me change my life for the better. I now have a positive belief system that helps me navigate life in a happier and more rewarding way.”

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Horus Energy

Meet Your

Abundance Activator

Nial begun reprogramming his subconscious beliefs around money over 11 years ago. That liberating process led to him discovering some of his greatest skills and talents - and in time he developed a passion for helping others to navigate their way through the same process -

in a much shorter time.

Taking his skills as coach and hypnotherapist, he developed his signature program - 'Money Mindset Mastery' -

with the intention of guiding others to

escape the trap of limiting money beliefs..

Enabling you to life the life of lasting

wealth and abundance that you truly deserve.

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"Nial is guiding you deep into your subconscious mind to deal with your stuff. Yes, the stuff that is messing up your life. Uncovering the autopilots that have been steering your life for a long, long time: Your relationships. Your business decisions. Every single aspect of your life. When you are ready to discover yourself on a totally different level and regain control of your life, Nial is there to accompany you on this journey - and I am still listening to the recordings of his customized hypnosis masterpieces today to reset myself as needed."



Xtreme Resolve

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"Nial took our entire team through this program - and literally overnight we started packing out our in-person retreats. Now - our business is thriving and more abundant than ever before."

J. Degenaars


Fungi Academy

What's Included in

Money Mindset Mastery

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As many coaching sessions as is required to consciously reprogram your current beliefs around money. This part of the process is usually completed within

6-10 sessions

~90 mins per session conducted via Zoom.


A series of 8 bespoke hypnotherapy sessions. The first 2 will be guided live - and the remaining 6 pre-recorded especially for you so that you can continue to listen to them to increase the effect of the deep subconscious reprogramming for the rest of your life.


One powerful custom-designed "Holotropic Breathwork" session to flush your entire physical body of all of your old money beliefs and to connect to the bright, vibrant and ever-increasingly abundant future ahead of you.

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Reprogramming Tools

A series of 8 shorter 'Abundance Magnetisation Visualisations' that you can listen to every day to continually attract more money, wealth and abundance into your life - easily and effortlessly. Just simply press play and enjoy, any time of day or night, and the magic of the visualisations will do it's thing, without you even needing to think about it.

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1 year of after coaching

Although this program is a powerful turbo boost in the right direction - reprogramming your subconscious doesn't happen overnight - and it's likely you'll commonly face your old money beliefs popping up as time goes by. That's why for 1 year after completing the program you get a monthly coaching call with me to help keep you aligned with the vibration of abundance.

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Support in Between

When you sign up for this program and trust me as your guide - that grants you access to a direct line to me 24/7. So whatever comes up in between our sessions, I'm always there along your side to listen, to guide, to hold space and to support you on your journey.

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"I'm truly grateful for Nial’s guidance in helping illuminate and shift patterns and beliefs that were keeping me small. This process rooted me into deeper trust and self-worth - and since I have created a life aligned with passion and purpose!"

D. Fehner


'Earth Builders'

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"Nial is super skilled. He helped me on a journey of self worth which ultimately led to the most successful career challenge of my life so far...

Amazing work, Thank you!"

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L. Van Pletsen

AI Developer





'To truly live a life of lasting inner peace we must find harmony in all of our relationships... especially our relationship with money -

Because that one is for life.'

Nial Mosharrafa -

abundance activator

Let's work together.

to bring more abundance into your life

Start your journey today by arranging a free discovery call.

Email Address

Phone Number

Whatsapp / Telegram - +447888473995